The first post of a blog is chosen with great care. The same as while reading a book, it is not good to lay all the cards at once in the first chapter, but I really want to hint, intrigue, throw in the first facts with a scent of a continuation.
That is why it was not an accident that the topic was chosen far away on Lake Sary-Chelek, mysterious and beautiful, long before the destination itself. Starting with the name, flashing on the periphery of memory for anyone who lives in Kyrgyzstan, and with the road leading through the cloudy Too-Ashuu pass and the endless Suusamyr valley, past the incredible emerald depth of the Naryn River. I love this road, tenderly and sincerely, as a part of any adventure in southern Kyrgyzstan. Especially if you remember that along the way in the area of Lake Toktogul, there is a great place where you can taste local trout, swing on a unique swing table and for some, and even swim in Toktogul itself. Before you even reach your destination, fully join the beautiful.
The beauty of which is not concentrated exclusively within the 230 square kilometers of the reserve itself. Next to it is Lake Kara-Kamysh, on the shore of which is situated quite a luxurious camping next to a yurt for those who are not alien to exoticism. A double bed with warm blankets may, be far from the real life of nomads and brave conquerors of the lands, but they fit my reality like a glove.
The morning has suddenly covered us with color. We had breakfast under the drawn-out songs of graduates of the local school of the year, say, '92. Let me explain the mystery of the wording: all the classmates concerned this year turned the honorable age of 50 years old. It was decided to celebrate the birthdays wholesale. Accordion player included. If this is not your classmate meeting, then don't call me!
Morning view of the sleepy mountain lake, boat ride, photo shoots of a giant Golden Fleece spread across the entire mountain, magic waterfall of the Kara-Suu River is just a small set of delicacies that Kara-Kamysh prepared for its guests.
We met the next day on the neighboring mountain in close proximity to the destination. On the territory of Sary-Chelek there are 6 more small lakes. Everyone is particular. There is even one wrapped in a creepy legend. They say that if you drown in Lake Kylaa, your body will never be found. We did not check-it was decided to trust words.
The usual route of tourists is the road to panorama, from which all lakes of the reserve are visible. The first day on Kara-Kamysh set the bar high for comfort, so it was no longer, come ill fault to go there on foot. We went on horseback with an escort. I would like to add with flashing lights, but no. And here we were finally completely enveloped by the magic of this place. I have nothing to compare with blooming SaryChelek. This place during the time of blossoming is perfect.
Apiaries, fields of flowers, a river taken by storm, lakes, and endless sky...
Finally, probably, it is necessary to draw some conclusions and give an assessment of the trip. If you believe the dry statistics, then Sary- Chelek ranks 4th in area among the lakes of Kyrgyzstan and 2nd in depth. If you believe your personal feelings, then Sary- Chelek is a miracle! And an absolute ' must' see ' for everybody, who happened to be in Kyrgyzstan!